Operating continuously since 1973

EU funding

The project in question concerns the diversification of ZRUG's activities.

The applicant will introduce new gas piping solutions.. The implementation was preceded by in-house R&D work and the assumptions were confirmed by external studies. The introduced technology responds to market needs and will allow the Applicant's company to compete effectively in Eastern Poland, contributing to the development of Podlasie.

The aim of the project is consistent with the objectives of the Smart Growth Operational Programme and the objectives of Measure 3.2 and Sub-Measure 3.2.2. . The implementation of the project will particularly contribute to strengthening the competitiveness and innovation of ZRUG, which is a representative of the SME sector. The implementation of the project will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the Applicant's company on the domestic market. The project will result in the implementation of a product with environmentally positive properties and parameters - the product will respond to the needs of the market and the development of gas networks in the country.

Project value: 8 543 000,00 PLN

European Funds contribution: 5 125 800,00 PLN